Client Success Story - Spacious Home in Shelton - Your Home in Washington
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Client Success Story – Spacious Home in Shelton

Client Success Story – Spacious Home in Shelton

I met my client Chris when he joined our Moving to the Pacific Northwest Facebook group. He was looking to relocate from the Bay Area to the Pacific Northwest. After years in a smaller rental, Chris wanted to buy a home with a backyard and room for his family to spread out. 

Available homes are moving fast in this market and buyers need to be prepared. Chris wanted to fully understand the home-buying process before he started his search. He joined my online Buying a Home, Land, and Investment Property Class. We walked through the steps of buying a home, types of financing available, and what additional costs to expect.

Due to low-inventory of homes and high demand, buyers shouldn’t be surprised to find that the property they are interested in already has multiple offers. This is when having excellent client-agent communication is important. Being prepared, having financing in place, and understanding the market can help buyers make a strong offer.

In this sellers’ market, it’s not uncommon for a buyer to bid on several properties before finally getting an offer accepted. For my client Chris, however, this was not the case. His solid offer on a beautiful home in Shelton caught the seller’s eye and was accepted! Now Chris and his family are spending quality time together in their large living room and barbequing in their spacious backyard. His story is a perfect example of how the right home can improve your quality of life.

If you are considering buying a home, don’t be put off by this aggressive market! Interest rates are low and the benefits of being a homeowner have not gone away. Patience, persistence, and a solid game plan can help you close on your dream home!