A 7-Step Guide to Selling Your Home in the Puget Sound
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A 7-Step Guide to Selling Your Home in the Puget Sound

A 7-Step Guide to Selling Your Home in the Puget Sound

We’ve developed a simple, but highly-effective guide to selling your home in the Puget Sound, utilizing 7 expert steps. Selling your home in the Puget Sound has it’s advantages with the beautiful scenery, the population growth in the past decade, buyer demand,  and working with a skilled real estate agent will help you get the most out of your home while taking the stress out of the transaction. Let’s look at my 7 step guide that will help you sell your home in the Puget Sound.  

Selling Your Home in the Puget Sound in 7 Steps

  1.  Meet with your local agent to determine your timeline to sell, market expertise, and discuss your needs. As a Puget Sound real estate expert, your needs matter most along with getting the right data for you.  When we meet, the first step is to discuss your goals. Some example topics we will go over are: your timeline to sell, looking at the current sales of your market to determine what comparable properties have sold for, analyzing how long properties are taking to sell, and discussing a strategy to get your home sold at the price that will attract buyers and get your needs met.
  2.  Preparing Your House For Sale.  Depending on if you are still living in your home or not, we will want to look at cleaning up walkways, landscaping, repairs and safety concerns, and packing away valuable or unused items in your home.  There are many specifics we will need to discuss when preparing your house for sale. During this time, we will go over my house readiness checklist to ensure we have taken all the necessary steps to spruce up your home. We will also go over showing times and discuss if open house opportunities are right for you.  Once cleaning and repairs are done, we will set up a virtual tour of your home for online marketing, implement staging if needed, and set up photography to make your house shine for buyers.
  3. Choosing a List Date.  The list date will be the date your home goes active on the market.  Depending on the stage of the market, we may want to set an offer review date and discuss pre-inspection opportunities for buyers. Once we list, I will keep an active eye on any market changes.
  4.  Time to Market Your Home.   Marketing your home will be one of the most vital assets to your listing.  My strategy will include: setting up virtual tours that are scheduled online by appointment only, reaching out to other potential buyers I know that are looking for a similar house you are selling, reaching out to other agents with active buyers, marketing your home with proper signage, reaching out to neighbors in the area, and using ad campaigns if needed to get your home sold.  In addition, I will create a social media presence and website for your home that will help sell your house.

Want to know more? Keep reading. Get our full guide below to selling your home in the puget sound. Selling your home and thinking about moving can be stressful.  With my guidance through the expert referral team, we will be able to get your home sold and on to the next one!

Guides to Selling Your Home in the Puget Sound